At Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions, we always look for the absolute best leaders for our teen backpacking and fly fishing adventures. Leading backpacking and fly fishing trips for teens is a fun, exciting, and rewarding summer job, but it is hard work and takes various skill sets. When considering candidates for our Base Camp Crew, Co-leaders, and Trip Director positions, we look much deeper than their ability to help put students on fish.
At a minimum, qualified applicants will have experience teaching fly fishing, enjoy working with teens, and be knowledgeable about backcountry safety. All applicants for base camp crew must be 18+ and have graduated high school. Co-leaders must be 19 before June 1st and have successfully passed a wilderness first aid course. Trip directors must be 21+ and possess a Wilderness First Responder Certification. All trip leaders and directors must have a clean driving record.
Preference is given to applicants available from staff training (6/10-6/13) through mid-August, but we occasionally need leaders for short-term (one or two trips) contracts. Our limited number of trips each summer allows us to be very selective with our small summer staff. Qualified applicants will set themselves apart with their ability to serve as role models to our teenage participants. Leadership experience, a hard work ethic, and the ability to work in a dynamic environment with ever-changing variables are necessary.
Great trip leaders are one of the most essential ingredients to the success of our trips, and guides will be one of the participant's most memorable parts of their experience. If you are interested in working for LFFE this summer, please fill out an application.