At Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions we understand that when it comes to choosing a summer teen adventure program you have a long list of options. But when it comes to teen fly fishing camps we have made the choice easy.
The fact that over 70% of our participants return for multiple years is a testament to the quality of our experience. We are not an adventure education company that leads trips all over the world. Our trips do not offer scuba diving, sailing or language immersion. We offer Teen Fly Fishing Adventure Academies and custom wilderness fly fishing experiences for families and school groups. That’s all we do and because of that, we do it really well. Other adventure education companies have long lists of trips, some of which may resemble ours on the surface, but with a closer look, you can see what sets us apart.
Our guides are not only experienced wilderness leaders, they are also seasoned fly fishing guides. A select few adventure education companies offer adventures that include the opportunity to fly fish and even fewer offer fly fishing specific adventures. While these companies subcontract all of their fly fishing instruction to outside fly fishing guides for 1-5 days out of a 2-4 week camp, our fishing guides are with you from day one until your final cast. This makes Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions a unique adventure education company providing teen fly fishing adventures where every day of a 12 + day trip is spent learning from accomplished fly fishing guides.
There are also a few fly fishing lodges that offer fly fishing camps for youth and teens. We commend these lodges for taking time out of their season to offer youth camps that encourage and educate young fly fishers. Our teen Adventure Academies are much more than just fly fishing camps where campers stay 1- 5 days at a lodge. With the combination of fly fishing, adventure education, environmental education and service learning, our Adventure Academy participants learn a variety of skills. As they travel in a small group through the backcountry, they will become experienced backpackers, learn to navigate by map and compass, become an integral part of a team, and develop their own leadership style.
In addition, what sets our Teen Fly Fishing Adventure Academies apart from other teen fly fishing camps is our inclusion of service learning. We believe in the inclusion of community service and service learning components on our trips. The educational benefits of service learning are well documented. Other adventure education companies have taken advantage of this, offering service learning and community service on some of their trips, but LFFE is the only adventure education company to offer fly fishing trips that include service learning on each and every one of our teen adventures.
We are not a one size fits all adventure education company. We are highly specialized. Our passion is for inspiring future generations of fly fishermen and women dedicated to the conservation of our natural resources. When it comes to choosing a teen fly fishing experience or custom wilderness trip for your school or family we hope you give us a chance, and help us to make a difference.