Hello all, Our Yellowstone Expedition is off to a great start. After everyone arrived in Jackson on time we quickly got to know each other over burgers, s’mores, fish stories around the campfire. It has been pretty much none stop action ever since.

Cave Falls is the widest waterfall in Yellowstone National Park." />
Ready to hit the trail." />
The next morning we packed up and left our campsite near the airport and headed to the southwest corner of Yellowstone to fish the Bechler River. Most of this isolated section of the park is only accessible via hiking or horseback trail. After checking in at the ranger station at the end of a dirt road we set up camp at the base of Cave Falls on the Falls River. Within minutes are lines were in the water, and we quickly set about catching some of the hard fighting rainbow trout. The fishing near our front country camp was the perfect warm up before we headed into the Bechler River backcountry the following morning.
Our backcountry camp site was at the start of the Bechler River Meadows. These meadows are a well kept secret of guides and locals. The fish here are some of the biggest in the park, but catching them in the crystal clear water is not easy. The hike to the campsite was extremely beautiful as the meadows open up around your, and the Grand Teton lurked in distant haze of a far away wildfire. The landscape was only bested by the fishing, as sizable fish were caught by everyone.

Fishing the last bit of sunlight." />
This morning we packed up camp and drove back out of Yellowstone, only to re-enter via the much more popular West Yellowstone entrance. For the next three days we will fish the front country rivers of Yellowstone. With famous fly fishing rivers like the Yellowstone, Lamar, Soda Butte, and the Gardner to choose from I don’t think we will have much trouble filling the time. After that it is into the Slough Creek backcountry for three nights of camping on the banks of the best backcountry river in Yellowstone. We will send out another update on 8/11 before we hit the trail. Tight lines, WJ, Pat, and the Crew