On all of our trips you will have the chance to catch rainbow and brown trout, but one of the coolest parts about our teen fly fishing expeditions is backpacking into the remote wilderness to catch native trout. Below is a sample of some of the fish caught during our summer expeditions.

Colorado River Cutthroat from high in the back country during the West Elk Adventure." />
In addition to several other species, the Yellowstone Adventure will be chasing Snake River Cutthroat like this one." />
In addition to some huge browns and rainbows, on our NC Blue Ridge Adventure, you will have the chance to watch native Southern Appalachian Brook Trout absolutely hammer your dry fly." />
Hiking deep into the backcountry of Rocky Mountain National Park on our Rocky Mountain Explorer trip will bring you to a high alpine lake where monster Greenback Cutthroat like this one cruise the depths." />

You are likely to catch brown trout during most of our teen adventures." />
A beautiful rainbow from our Blue Ridge Adventure. (Also found on our CO trips)" />
Known for their large dorsal fin, Arctic Grayling are not native to Colorado but high above tree line during our West Elk Adventure you will find wild grayling introduced a long time ago.