Will & Kim :
I wanted to thank LFFE for a wonderful trip that you and your staff put together for the MUS seniors and Dads this past month in Utah. I can honestly say that everything was perfect. It is very obvious that you put a lot of thought into the details surrounding this trip that made everything very easy for all of us to simply relax, fish and enjoy the time spent with our sons. From the meals to the campsites to the fishing, it was all extremely well executed and seamless. It is not often that I get to have my son’s full attention. During this trip, I did not have to compete with texting, Instagram or Facebook or whatever the next fad is. The time spent with my son was absolutely priceless and a memory that can never be taken away. I can only hope that I can do this again and again!

From left to right: The Crews, Kaelin, Lake, and Westlake families pose for a group picture after a long day on the water." />
Thanks again to you and your staff for putting this together for us! When you are in Memphis or wherever recruiting more kids or special trips such as ours, let me know and I will certainly be happy to talk to any prospect to advise them they are in for the trip of a lifetime! The Lake family wishes LFFE continued success and good fishing!
Don Lake